Friday, October 31, 2008

this someone has conquered all my thoughts, and hey, he hit me emotionally in all the right spots``

pics frm nis's open hse,
as mentioned from my previous post.
enjoyyy :)

xin; nis; joee :)

joee; mikhail; hafiz;

mikhail; dren; hafiz

i took a pic with her cause she is from my primary school; cempaka.
cute girl.

the tall one; geraldine.

ey, suddenly she became shorter one?

** one disadvantage for tall ppl,
when they take pics with shorties (ahem)
they'll have to bend lower
so they wont feel left out in pics.
most of them at least.

the tall one; ivy ;)

diiingg diiiiiinggg - where's ivy?
ey? :/
oh, there! next to meee. so short dyy oneee? :(

besides me and joee, the rest are actually taller.
not much taller,
but taller.
hhmmn? eyyy??

see? seeeee? seeeeeeeeeeee?????

okaayy, maybe its me.
but, oh well, haha.
just wanted to share what i noticed. :):)

anywayy, getting back to nis's open hse.

love love foreverr.

joke of the daaayy :)

your mama's so dumb,
she asked " what's the number for 911?!!! "

:D funnnyyy nooooooot?
(make sure you dont row off your seat yehh!)
loads of love,

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