Sunday, June 29, 2008

i understand.

i sent my sister off to melbourne an hour ago.
though we had bad times, no doubt im gonna miss her.
its gonna be a while till she returns. four months?

anyway, i thought of something really really ironic this morning.
wanna know?

P (my sis)
X (mee :))
oh, btw this really DID happen to me. :S
it's kinda embarassing. but, well, im still gonna share cause i rock :D
agree? hah. i dont need you to agree. i know! :D:D:D:D

it happened one night, many many many many many many years ago.

P: hey xin, have you ever dreamt about your future?
P:(after several seconds) xin?
X: mm, yea yea. shhh. im dreaming about it now. ssshh.
P: ey? but youre talking with me. how can you dream at the same time?
X: oh. (smiled embarassingly)
P: you call that imagining, not DREAMING. (0.O)


<33, xinnn.

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