Thursday, July 17, 2008

im not as smart as you think i am

im blogging today.
haha, answer this?
what do you call a green bean which fell on to the ground?

while doing so, ill show you pics of me. :)


the answer is - red bean. why? because the green bean bleeded (red blood) when it fell, then ma become red bean lor. tee hee. :P




Anonymous said...

OMG! i can die if you're getting lamer xinnn!!

Jasmine said...

haha xinn! that red bean thing made me remember bout the times we all made lame jokes and shit.miss that :(

xinyibinyi said...

chris & min - hahaha, whaaat? i made you guys laugh right, or at least smile?
so its okay to be lame sometimes. isnt it? eyey. ::)

xinyibinyi said...

yen - i know! especially times at the cafeteria. i so miss high school. sighs.